Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Allegory of the cave

I agree with Socrates's statement "Without philosophical education, we are like prisoners in the cave" without the philosophical we will not learn anything about our life and not be more aware of what we do it. philosophical helps us to think, ask question and explore about anything such as our lifestyle, religion and what's right or wrong. I believe philosophy is liberating not enslaving because it job is to set our mind free and learn more about ethics. I believe Socrates was being pessimistic about life because he wants the people of Athens to think, question and have strong knowledge. also not to be a prisoners in the cave.


  1. Dear Khan:

    I like what you said in here. Especially this part, "Philosophical helps us to think, ask question and explore about anything such as our lifestyle, religion and what's right or wrong' :)

    I agree with this one. yes, by philosophy we can think deeper and deeper. As we think deeper, we can explore the new life, new world, and everything.. After I read your blog, now I see why Socrates wants us to think and question and have strong knowlege.. :)

    Thank you ^^

  2. You capture the overall tenor of Socrates' thinking in this post.
