Thursday, May 3, 2012

Civil Disobedience

First of all I will say that I agree with martin Luther King position about civil disobedience, also when a law is made to purpose to downgrade certain race than I believe it is morally justified not that follow that immoral law. Also there should be no law that is against any people base on their races, religion and genders.  I also agree with St.Augustine when he states that an unfair or unjust law is no law. Finally I agree that protesting and non-violent riot is the right message for the civil disobedience.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Individual and the state

I agree with John Stuart Mills and Karl Marx philosophical standpoints on freedom. I also agree that we should have our own freedom to choose whatever decisions we make as long as we are not being forced or harm. I agree with Mills that we should have freedom with less government involved. I also agree with Marx that we should have few certain laws to help the people from harming themselves or others as well, also agree that few laws from the government will be benefit such as help people find jobs. Finally I believe that both theories will be a great benefit for our nation in a great way, as long as we have freedom and have a law not harming another individual.

Friday, April 6, 2012

WEEK 9 Buddhism

I don’t think Buddhism teaching will be follow in United State people, because many of us are trying to have a successful life, such as reaching our goals, getting better jobs, and more money, basically its desires for money maybe for other its  fame and power as well. The lifestyle that we have now is not possible to give up and follow Buddhism belief, and those desires are selfish. Anyway I do agree with Buddhism teaching because they have a strong moral teaching enlightenment, what I love Buddhism is that they do meditation and get rid of any negative thoughts or energy and focus on our mental health and mind,  so if anyone who practice Buddhism will have spiritually mind and not only think about money or fame. It also helps them to open their inner selves.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cosmological and Design Argument

                 First of all philosophy focused on who we are or why are we here by study, theories and explains more by knowledge and experience So when doing those philosophies thinking there will be many different arguments or agreement.  
               The cosmological argument is about that god is the creation of the universe, so the “first cause and the “first uncaused” is cause by god. This theory is convincing for me because I believe one of the monotheism religion and I was raised to believe in it (if I didn’t was raised to believe in monotheism religion I might have different feeling about the cosmological argument).  As a believer of the monotheism religions I have to believe that god create this world and our self. Religion has strong influenced on the people for many years and it still continues to be in people mind.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Blog Question #6 artificial intelligence

I agree with john Searle that computers are not really intelligent and that they are just simulateintelligence. First of all, we human programmed the computer’s mind based on what we know from our knowledge or life such as education, health and etc. Human mind is an amazing tool of understanding which don’t require power like computer needs. Computer needs power to be intelligent. Human mind is best than computer in gaining its knowledge as for computer, we put our knowledge in the computer and that’s how computers gain its knowledge from. The computer uses our knowledge to do their tasks such as search, use mathematic calculator and etc. basically we are responsible for the computer performs and the intelligence they use.

          I agree that human are being programmed by society and education to perform certain tasks. From early age of human being such as age of 1or 4 we are thought how to act, what language to speak and how to speak and do basic stuff such as combs our hair brush, our teeth and how to cloth our self. So that’s how we get our intelligence from. Let say if we didn’t get programmed by our society or our education we would be less intelligent such as a cave man!

          Finally, as for my opinion, I believe we should limit knowledge that computers  are getting or ever create an “emotion feeling” for them because I believe if the computer knows our secrets or our weaknesses it might take advantage against us for example, the movies, I, Robot and Terminator.  

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Dualism and Physicalism

       Dualist is a belief that Descartes agreed on, it mean that physical thing such as our body and the non physical thing such as our mind does not have the same property and cannot be explained by scientist. Which mean that the mind is a separate substance from our body. As for the physicalism their belief is that the body in one physical substance including the brain and mind which mean in their theory is that mind and the body are not separate.

      Descartes agree with dualist because first of all he is a religious man which was convincing for him to believe in, because all the religion theology it said that when the body died the mind travel to the afterlife.

     Overall I agree with the dualist theory because I know mind can do play trick on us such as do unexplainable thing. Also I agree that our mind is inside the brain and tells our body what actions should it used. Finally I see mind as a soul and the body as a tools for mind to use.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Pragmatism And Feminist Epistemology

I agree that pragmatism and feminist epistemology do challenge the view of knowledge as a detached, intellectual activity. I believe that knowledge help you to be succeed in life and knowledge is something that we gain from the experiences, and use that experiencese as education lesson for us. its can be from learning from experiences or experiences (such as communication experiences) from someone who told you about it. Finally as for feminist philosophers, i understand what they were saying that any belief or truths are not true for everyone, and Male philosophers shouldn't  just think about one human nature and speak for both sexes.

Friday, February 24, 2012


I agree that empiricism’s claim that all our knowledge is based on the use of senses, and agree that our senses create an experience, because sense helps us to understand, and our mind kept those experiences so we will know what the outcome will happen if we face that experience again. Finally our senses give us the experience which gives us the knowledge.  I believe that mathematics might have place in philosophy. But it depends on what theory is it, for example Sir Isaac Newton who used mathematic in his philosophy theory, and Socrates didn’t used any mathematics for his theory.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Methodological Skepticism

what I think about methodlogical skepticism? well its about honest or truth search for knowledge. As for myself I never use "methodlogical skepticism because I believe that this world is fine for me, however if i ever use methodlogical skepticism, people would think that Im crazy, because people dont want other telling them it wrong or this world is fake.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Allegory of the cave

I agree with Socrates's statement "Without philosophical education, we are like prisoners in the cave" without the philosophical we will not learn anything about our life and not be more aware of what we do it. philosophical helps us to think, ask question and explore about anything such as our lifestyle, religion and what's right or wrong. I believe philosophy is liberating not enslaving because it job is to set our mind free and learn more about ethics. I believe Socrates was being pessimistic about life because he wants the people of Athens to think, question and have strong knowledge. also not to be a prisoners in the cave.

Friday, January 27, 2012

what can we learn from philosophy

what I would like to learn from philosophy will be, what is philiosophy and who are the great philosophy in our history. I believe this coures can help me to be more open mind and have strong knowlege, and study of general problems such as truth, mind, and language.
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